I'm in a book club. It's probably the best club I've ever been in - althoug I'm not sure I've ever been in a club before... still! I started it with two friends of mine for the single purpose to read moore books. We take turns choosing a book and meet up, eat some delicious homemade food and discuss...everything from the book cover, the reason for choosing that exact book and of course the content. Not many people believed we would be able to keep up the strict rules of the book club
1. No talking about the book with the other members prior to the meeting
2. No talk of other hot or boring personal topics before the book of the month has been out-debated. 3. Everyone must share their opinion and roll the dice to grade the book from 1-6.
and last but certainly not least:
4. Everyone must read the book before the meeting.
So far I'm proud to say that all members have honoured and respected these rules - much to the surprise of our surroundings. I think the secret behind the great success we've had with our book club is that all it's members are chosen carefully based on integrety and hard work. We all have taken risks along the way - at some point we have all had an intense reading-period right up til the meeting - some of us as close as 30 minutes before the meeting. Ice cold calculating of course - but we finish in time and we "graduate with honours".
Many people have pushed, begged and even tried lurking their way into our club, but we stand strong. The rule is - if a new member is let into the warmth, an existing member must leave - and as long as everyone follows the rules, that would be plain crazy! On spesial occations we have let guest members join in on our sessions. Once it was a relative visiting (who offered to wait in another room in respect of the book club rules) he was so sweet of course we let him join in. The other was the five day old son of one of the members. He seemd to be calmed by the discussion and the harmoni in our club because he slept through the entire meeting (not that he was bored, but all that discussions are tiering for someone that small).
Anywho. There is not really any point to this story, just wanted to share my wonderful club with you and let you know that even though you are not welcome to join our club, I DO reccomend you joining a book club, or even start one yourself.
Sweet reading,
Haha! This is the best description I have ever read of our book club. In fact it is probably the only description I have read, but still - it is very accurate, very funny, and if I was not already a member of this club, I would certainly want to join it. Although I know, of course, I couldn't. Ahh, how lovely to already be a part of the inner circle!
Thanks for you support darling, it's much appreciated! I'm glad you are part of the inner circle to, it means that you are lovely and special (should we consider starting a club for special people...?)- in fact, it means we both are.
Horray for the club - and for us.
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