As one half of the party-committee at work I work my ass of trying to find new fun and exciting things to do so my colleagues will bond beautiful friendships outside the office. As I’ve been part of the committee for a while now, the new ideas seem to be further and further apart. So when my co-party-planner and I heard about a new place opening where you could play curling we thought…OK, it’s dead boring to watch, but it could still be a fun way for our fellow computer geeks to spend a Friday evening. We decided to book the place and threw in the offer of tapas and wine at their cosy restaurant with a fireplace.
It started off a bit slow - the guy telling us the rules were not the most humorous guy, and our attempts of jokes did not fly well. Despite this (or maybe because of it, who knows)I had an excellent start, the first game I secured 4 points (for the record that was the highest single point-score all evening….) for my team and was pretty happy with myself. Already then I started thinking about maybe playing curling professionally. OK it may not be the hottest sport for a young, fairly attractive female as myself, but would it be right to waste this God-given talent? Would I be able to live with myself if I wasted more of my life outside the curling court/ rank (??)As the game kept going it became fairly clear that my good score were less talent, and more new-beginners luck. We started loosing points and by this point two of my colleagues had got injuries from falling on the ice. Some were talking about quitting the whole game and go get some beers, but we decided to stay on. And that’s when it happened.
Actually, I’m still not quite sure exactly how it happened, but somehow I loose my balance and falls, head first, onto the ice. Strangely enough it didn’t really hurt, I was mostly shocked, cause in front of me I see part of a tooth…! I put my hand to my mouth and my teeth does not feel like they usually do…plus…there’s blood. I’m sitting on the ice a bit confused as my colleagues approach me with concern on their faces. One asks to see if I’m injured, and as a response, I open my mouth and show my teeth. It was safe to say from the expression on her face it did NOT look good. She puts her hand over her mouth with an “Oh my God!” I’ll tell you right now, that’s not the reaction you want people to have when they see you. More people came over to check on me, and they all had the same reaction. It turned out my two front teeth were broken in half…I tell you, I looked liked one of the Norwegian trolls they sell in the souvenir shop and trust me, they are not famous for their good looks.
As I was still in shock (even more as the seconds went by) one of my good colleagues took charge of the situation and before I knew it, I was in a car headed thowards the emergency room with two halfs of my front teeth in a plastic cup. I was lucky. The dentist on call was excellent, and one hour later, he had glued the pieces back on and you couldn’t even see that my teeth had been broken. Amazing! So…with everything fixed I saw no reason for not joining the others for some beers. The others were very impressed with my appearance at the party after the incident and I would be lying if I said I didn’t like the extra attention… People keep asking me what happened that day and as I can’t quite remember the details, I simply say “my team was loosing, I had to do something…”
I still have some angziety every-time I have to chew with my front teeth, but it’s getting better each day. But as for curling… even though I know saying it is a extreme sport would be going over board, I don’t think I’ll ever say that curling is boring or safe for that matter. And I promise you, I will never try it again!
If you after reading this still thinks curling could be fun… just look at the picture below and ask yourself - how much do you like YOUR teeth?

And people say curling isn’t a high-risk sport…!
Holy macarony, maybe you could have gotten a summer job as one of those trolls outside the tourist shops at Bryggen, Bergen? Too bad they fixed your teeth, this could have brought you into great fortune...
Yeah, you make a good point there. One one hand I look normal and can keep my job as a it-geek but on the other hand I could look like a freak but make a fortune on freaking out the tourists... Life is full of these choises that are almost impossible to make...
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